The pinball market is undergoing a major transformation: individuals are now the new buyers of this nostalgic game.

Who are these new pinball machine buyers really?

Christophe André, co-founder of Hexa Pinball, offers valuable insights into this fascinating market evolution. Learn more.

La Montée des Particuliers

If once pinball machines were mainly found in bars and public gaming halls, the trend has radically changed. Indeed, it’s now primarily individuals who make up the majority of buyers. The pinball machine, once in a period of decline, has found new momentum among the general public. It has become much more than just a bar game; it is now a coveted collector’s item and a true passion for many enthusiasts.

Buyers with Diverse Profiles

From gamers to collectors, this trend is confirmed.

Among the new buyers of pinball machines, there is a wide variety of profiles. On one hand, there are “geeks” and video game enthusiasts drawn to the digitalization and modern features of pinball machines. On the other hand, collectors see these machines as unique collector’s items, combining history, art, and mechanics.

The Digitalization of Pinball

A Balance between Tradition and Innovation

When we talk about traditional pinball machines, we think of catchy melodies and flashing lights that have been the charm of these machines. However, modern pinball has undergone a significant transformation. Over the past fifteen years, pinball has become decidedly digitalized. These machines now incorporate a computer and an animated screen, thus merging the legacy of traditional mechanical or electromechanical pinball with the world of contemporary video games.

The evolution of pinball reflects a broader trend in the gaming and entertainment industry. New pinball buyers are drawn to this unique fusion of nostalgia and modernity. They seek the authenticity of pinball while appreciating the features and benefits offered by current technology.

To conclude, the majority of new pinball buyers are passionate individuals attracted to this iconic game. They are drawn to the digitalization of pinball, which successfully combines the essence of the game with the interactive and dynamic elements of today’s video games. This transformation of the pinball market illustrates the game’s ability to transcend eras and adapt to the evolving preferences of players, all while preserving its timeless charm.

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